Reflections 20 Years After 9/11
From Former NYC Law Enforcement, Now NICB Retired and Current Field Staff
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the horrific September 11 attacks. Nearly 3,000 Americans lost their lives—among those were more than 400 brave first responders, who ran toward certain danger in a valiant effort to save whoever they could.
As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, stunned Americans across the country were inspired and comforted by footage of the brave police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and other first responders working tirelessly to make sense of the destruction.
Among those with boots on the ground taking part in the relief efforts were NICB Northeast Regional Director Kevin Gallagher and Ed Carlson, a retired supervisory special agent in the Northeast Region, who were both with the New York City Police Department during 9/11.