Event Information


Regarding in-person meetings at The Cincinnati Insurance Company:

  • The address is Cincinnati Financial Corporation, 6200 South Gilmore Rd, Fairfield OH 45014. Enter the main driveway entrance on South Gilmore and park in the Visitor parking lot at the front of the building. Visitor parking is free of charge.
  • Please arrive 20 – 30 minutes early with your valid photo ID. All visitors will be given a visitor lanyard with badge that muse be worn and displayed while in the building. A company employee must escort all visitors at all times when past the security check point. Return your visitor credential to the front desk when leaving the building.
  • Company Security also requires that anyone in law enforcement, armed, and not in uniform notify the Security Officer at the desk and show their credentials at check in.

Please reach out to Deanna Terry at DTerry@nicb.org for details.